I am trying to add email address in my org mode document which has to be exported to PDF.
This is my header tags.
#+TITLE: Main Title
#+SUBTITLE: Sub Title
#+AUTHOR: Author Name
#+EMAIL: author@email.com
All the first three tags are getting exported except email
I tried the option
#+OPTIONS: toc:nil email:t
but still it is not working.
Could anyone throw light on where I am doing the mistake?
Exporting to PDF is via LaTeX and there is no standard entry for email in the LaTeX export. In other words, the standard LaTeX article class, used by the exporter by default, does not know what to do with an email address.
However, org creates a macro, email
, which you can use to place the email address in any place you wish within the document by using {{{email}}}
, including, for instance, after the author name on the #+AUTHOR