I have a string as shown below which I want to truncate it after a particular character limit and display an ellipsis.
"This is a long string"
On truncation, I want the string to display something like this:
This is a long (...)
This is a (...)
This is (...)
The above examples don't cut the words. What I don't want is:
This is a lon (...)
This is a long s (...)
The above examples don't work.
I am using the following function in react to truncate a string. The problem with the function is that it sometimes cut the words. The value of length I am using is 175. For 175 character limit, sometimes it cut the words and sometimes it doesn't.
export const wordsTruncate = (words, length) => {
const j = words.split('');
let result = j.filter((z, a) => a <= (length - 1));
return result.join("");
I am wondering what changes I need to make in the function above so that it doesn't cut the words as shown in the examples above.
Try this. hope this works for you.
const wordsTruncate = (words, length) => {
words = words.trim(); //you need to decied wheather you do this or not
length -= 6; // because ' (...)'.length === 6
if (length >= words.length) return words;
let oldResult = /\s/.test(words.charAt(length));
for (let i = length - 1; i > -1; i--) {
const currentRusult = /\s/.test(words.charAt(i))
//check if oldresult is white space and current is not.
//which means current character is end of word
if (oldResult && !currentRusult) {
return `${words.substr(0, i + 1)} (...)`;
oldResult = currentRusult;
// you need to decide whether you will just return truncated or original
// in case you want original just return word
return '(...)';
console.log(wordsTruncate('This is long text blabla blasdf test.', 32));
console.log(wordsTruncate('This is', 22));
console.log(wordsTruncate('This is', 7));
console.log(wordsTruncate('This is', 13));
console.log(wordsTruncate('This is ', 13));
console.log(wordsTruncate('Thisadsfasdfasdfasdfasdf', 22));
So length should be final length of truncated string.
eg: 'This is long text blabla (...)'.length