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Sulu: how to make custom entity translatable?

So I have my custom entity type, created it by following official tutorial:

However entity I got is not translatable like i.e. standard pages or articles. I also didn't any info on how to make it translatable. Expected behavior is just to work as those standard types. How to achieve that?


  • There are basically three things to do:

    1. You have to add a new Translation entity for your custom entity. So if you have an Event entity, you need an additional EventTranslation entity. See

    2. You need to tell Sulu, that your custom entity is translatable by adding the available locales to the view in your AppAdmin class, see

    3. You need to adjust your custom entity's admin controller (it will receive a locale request parameter now) to persist the localized properties to the CustomEntityTranslation instead of the CustomEntity iself, see

    So as conclusion, Sulu is only responsible for showing the locale switcher in the upper right corner and appending the current selected locale as locale parameter to your api calls. Everything else is completely up to you, you have to implement that like in a normal symfony application