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Vue-i18n not translating inside component script tags

Building a language switcher, all works fine but when I use the $t() inside the data object it will not be dynamic when I switch between a language.


   // loop menu here
  <div v-for="item in menu">
     {{ item.label }}


const mainMenu = [
    label: $t('dashboard'),
    label: $t('users'),
    label: $t('settings'),
export default {
    data () {
        return {
           menu = MainMenu



import { createI18n } from 'vue-i18n'

export function loadLocalMessages () {
    const locales = require.context('../locales', true, /[A-Za-z0-9-_,\s]+\.json$/i)
    const messages = {}
    locales.keys().forEach(key => {
        const matched = key.match(/([A-Za-z0-9-_]+)\./i)
        if (matched && matched.length > 1) {
            const locale = matched[1]
            messages[locale] = locales(key)
    return messages;

const i18n = createI18n({
    locale: 'en',// .env not working
    fallbackLocale: 'en',// .env not working
    messages: loadLocalMessages(),
export default i18n


  • <template>
      <div v-for="item in menu">
         {{ item.label }}
    export default {
      computed: {
        menu() {
          return [{
             label: this.$t('dashboard'),
           }, {
             label: this.$t('users'),
           }, {
             label: this.$t('settings'),