I have a string value which is equal to "202004"
. how can I convert it to "April, 2020"
in Java?
I would use java.time
for a task like this.
You can define two java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter
instances (one for parsing the input string to java.time.YearMonth
and another for formatting the obtained YearMonth
to a string of the desired format).
Define a method like this one:
public static String convert(String monthInSomeYear, Locale locale) {
// create something that is able to parse such input
DateTimeFormatter inputParser = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("uuuuMM");
// then use that formatter in order to create an object of year and month
YearMonth yearMonth = YearMonth.parse(monthInSomeYear, inputParser);
* the output format is different, so create another formatter
* with a different pattern. Please note that you need a Locale
* in order to define the language used for month names in the output.
DateTimeFormatter outputFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(
"MMMM, uuuu",
// then return the desired format
return yearMonth.format(outputFormatter);
then use it, e.g. in a main
public static void main(String[] args) {
// your example input
String monthInAYear = "202004";
// use the method
String sameMonthInAYear = convert(monthInAYear, Locale.ENGLISH);
// and print the result
The output will be this:
April, 2020