I want to make an app like Instagram. It needs to publish posts with images and description text. From previous answers I understand , that i should create a post layout and use it for creating other posts. My question is : How can i create a function that helps me to create posts similar to my post_layout but with changed text and image? So i need a function that will help me to create posts using one template post layout. What will be the best way of achieving this?
You can reuse it by making "inflate" to the layout but I would like to clarify that your return value will be of type "View"
private View createPost(String text, Bitmap image){
View createdPost = getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.post_template,null);
TextView tv_postTitle = createdPost.findViewById(R.id.fragment_post_tv_title);
ImageView iv_postImage = createdPost.findViewById(R.id.fragment_post_iv_image);
return createdPost;
I hope this is useful