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Gradient in color of range column chart in ApexCharts

I am trying to implement a waterfall chart for 1 of my projects using ApexCharts. This chart isn't available out of the box with ApexCharts. So, I'm trying to modify the range column chart into a Waterfall chart. This is pretty much all I need but I need to change the color of the columns where the range is decreasing. Here the middle columns have a blue color, but I need to change it to a dynamic gradient color depending upon the value.

For example, for negative values, I need it to go from light orange to dark orange and for positive, light blue to dark blue.

Any leads are appreciated.

I have already checked the fill and the colors property, they don't seem to work properly with range column charts.

This is related to: Change color of range column chart in ApexCharts but I need a gradient instead of fillColor which seems to take just a string.

enter image description here


Thanks in advance!


  • Fixed it using the following.

    I add a fill property like this.

                fill: {
                    type: ["gradient"],
                    gradient: {
                        shade: "light",
                        type: "horizontal",
                        shadeIntensity: 0.25,
                        opacityFrom: 0.4,
                        opacityTo: 0.9,
                        stops: [0, 100]

    The fillColor property on each data point object still exists and the gradient is applied on each of those colors.