I am loading a model of a mechanism (e.g. a robot arm) in Three.js. Sadly the models I am using don't have a skeleton, but I have the locations, axes and so on of the joints. In order to use e.g. inverse kinematic solvers like Three-IK, I want to create a skeleton from these parameters. Since I want to use many different models I would prefer to not create the skeletons by hand but in code.
I have been trying for over a week now to create a valid bone structure from these values that reflects the model, but nothing succeeded. For example, if I create a chain of bones using the positions of the joints I get a very long skeleton which in no way matches the positions I used.
let boneParent;
let bonepos = [];
let bones = [];
model.traverse(child => {
switch(child.type) {
case "joint":
let p = new Vector3();
let bone = new Bone();
boneParent && boneParent.add(p);
boneParent = bone;
showPoints(scene, bonepos, 0xff0000);
const skeletonHelper = new SkeletonHelper(bones[0]);
skeletonHelper.visible = true;
The code above results in the screenshot below. The red markers are the positions I get from the robot joints, the line snaking into the distance is the skeleton as visualized by the SkeletonHelper.
So my question is this: it seems like I don't understand well enough how bones are handled in Three.js. How can I create a skeleton that reflects my existing model from its joint locations and orientations?
Thanks in advance!
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After some fiddling around I found a solution:
let root = new Bone();
let parent = root;
let pos = new Vector3();
for (let joint of robot.arm.movable) {
let link = robot.getLinkForJoint(joint);
let bone = new Bone();
parent.updateMatrixWorld(); // crucial for worldToLocal!
parent = bone;
The important part is to call updateMatrixWOrld() after lookAt() so that bone.worldToLocal()
works correctly. Also lookAt()
saves a lot of matrix hassles :)