I have an interface IVehicle
public interface IVehicle
Task<ApiResponse> GetVehicleInfo();
This is my implementation of the interface
public class Vehicle : IVehicle
private string m_vehicleId;
private VehicleInfoEndPoint m_vEndPoint;
public Vehicle()
public Vehicle(string vehicleId, string device, HttpClient client,string Uri)
m_vEndPoint = new VehicleInfoEndPoint(device, client, Uri);
public async Task<ApiResponse> GetVehicleInfo()
await m_vEndPoint.GetVehicleInfoPostAsync();
return m_vehicleInfoEndPoint.FullResponse;
I want to unit test this class. For that I have written the following code.
public void Vehicle_GetVehicleInformation_shouldCall_VehicleInfoEndPoint_GetVehicleInfo()
var endPointMock = Mock.Of<IVehicleInfoEndPoint>();
var result = new ApiResponse();
var vehicle = new Mock<IVehicle>();
vehicle.Setup(x => x.GetVehicleInfo()).Returns(Task.FromResult(result));
var response = vehicle.Object.GetVehicleInfo().Result;
Mock.Get(endPointMock).Verify(x => x.GetVehicleInfo(), Times.Once);
My test is failing with the error that
Expected invocation on the mock once, but was 0 times x=> x.GetVehicleInfo()
In this case, it seems you want to test is that x.GetVehicleInfoPostAsync()
is called.
Being this the case, you have to define your unit artifacts which are:
I made this quick example that does what you want:
class Program
static async Task Main(string[] args)
var endPointMock = Mock.Of<IVehicleInfoEndPoint>();
var vehicle = new Vehicle(endPointMock);
// ACT
var response = await vehicle.GetVehicleInfo();
Mock.Get(endPointMock).Verify(x => x.GetVehicleInfoPostAsync(), Times.Once);
public interface IVehicle
Task<ApiResponse> GetVehicleInfo();
public class Vehicle : IVehicle
private readonly IVehicleInfoEndPoint _endpoint;
public Vehicle(IVehicleInfoEndPoint endpoint)
_endpoint = endpoint ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(endpoint));
public async Task<ApiResponse> GetVehicleInfo()
await _endpoint.GetVehicleInfoPostAsync();
return _endpoint.FullResponse;
public interface IVehicleInfoEndPoint
Task GetVehicleInfoPostAsync();
ApiResponse FullResponse { get; set; }
public class ApiResponse
It helps when you divide your test into 3 parts:
Check this out: What is a "Stub"?
Also, checkout "The art of unit testing" on Amazon, great book.