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hd wallet bip44 in js - how to create an address for a chain other than bitcoin?

I have a small script basically taken from this test script in bitcoinjs-lib

function getAddress(node) {
    const bitcoin = require('bitcoinjs-lib');
    return bitcoin.payments.p2pkh({ pubkey: node.publicKey }).address;

function BIP44() {
    /* create a BIP44, rvn, account 0, external address */
    const bip32 = require('bip32');
    const root = bip32.fromSeed(
    const childAuto = root.derivePath("m/44'/175'/0'/0/0");
    const childManual = root
    return getAddress(childAuto);

It works perfectly for deriving a bitcoin address (derivation path "m/44'/0'/0'/0/0") but when trying to derive any other address it doesn't seem to work. The output is this:


That address starts with a 1, whereas RVN addresses start with R.

I mistakenly assumed that merely by changing the derivation path to match RVN (175) it would generate Raven addresses, but there must be something else I'm missing.

Can you help me figure out where I'm going wrong?

Other resources I've explored:


  • looking over I found I had to specify the correct ravencoin network specifications (don't really understand what this object means) but once I did, it worked perfectly.

    function getAddress(node, network) {
        const bitcoin = require('bitcoinjs-lib');
        return bitcoin.payments.p2pkh({ pubkey: node.publicKey, network }).address;
    function getNetwork() {
        /* */
        return {
            messagePrefix: '\x16Raven Signed Message:\n',
            bip32: {
              public: 0x0488B21E,
              private: 0x0488ADE4,
            pubKeyHash: 0x3c,
            scriptHash: 0x7a,
            wif: 0x80,
    function BIP44() {
        /* create a BIP44, rvn, account 0, external address */
        const bip32 = require('bip32');
        const root = bip32.fromSeed(
        const childAuto = root.derivePath("m/44'/175'/0'/0/0");
        const childManual = root
        return getAddress(childAuto, getNetwork());