I came across the following problem... I have three entities:
class Contract {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Integer id;
private Employee employee;
class Employee {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Integer id;
private Department department;
class Department {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Integer id;
private String name;
and method using Specification for fetching information about Contracts:
Page<Contract> getContracts(Integer employeeId, Pageable pageable) {
return contractRepository.findAll(createSpecification(employeeId), pageable);
Specification<Contract> createSpecification(Integer employeeId) {
return Specification.where(equalEmployeeId(employeeId));
Specification<Contract> equalEmployeeId(Integer employeeId) {
return (root, criteriaQuery, criteriaBuilder) -> {
if (Objects.nonNull(employeeId)) {
Join<Contract, Employee> joinParent = root.join("employee");
return criteriaBuilder.equal(joinParent.get("id"), employeeId);
} else {
return criteriaBuilder.isTrue(criteriaBuilder.literal(true));
and now, my application gives the possibility to sort Contract
entities by Department
name, so there comes Pageable
object with sort
parameter set to employee.department.name
. And the problem arises when Employee
object has department
parameter set to null... E.g., if all Employee
objects have department
parameter set to null, then empty collection is returned. What can I do to change this behavior to have all the Contract
entities returned, regardless Employee's
is null or not?
I have already tried different things: adding fetch join to the Specification, setting spring.jpa.properties.hibernate.order_by.default_null_ordering
to last
, but nothing helped.
Thank you in advance for any help!
PS: Please don't advise me to get rid of Specifications, etc. - the code I provided is simplified for the sake of readability. In reality, much more attributes are there and using Specifications for filtering is the most convenient approach.
Do you know what helped? Updating Spring Boot to 2.5.0... Now it works as expected... (thank you @tremendous7 for an inspiration!) However, I suppose that answer provided by @jonathan-johx might work with older versions...