data class Bar(
var foo: String = "",
var isFoo: String = ""
compiler reports error:
Platform declaration clash: The following declarations have the same JVM signature (setFoo(Ljava/lang/String;)V): public final fun (<set-?>: String?): Unit defined in com.example.Bar public final fun (<set-?>: String?): Unit defined in com.example.Bar
how to tip the compiler use original field name for setters? (setFoo and setIsFoo) NOTICE: the code is generated by jooq(from database schema), so manually change the code is not a good way
This is a bug in jOOQ's code generator, which should generate the @set:JvmName
annotation for such cases, as suggested by Михаил Нафталь. The bug number is #11912, fixed for 3.15.0 and 3.14.12.
You can work around this problem by overriding the KotlinGenerator.generatePojo()
method (requires copying the entire code and patching the relevant bits), or by using a hack: You can override the KotlinGenerator.printColumnJPAAnnotation()
method and implement your logic there:
// Example implemented in Java:
protected void printColumnJPAAnnotation(JavaWriter out, ColumnDefinition column) {
super.printColumnJPAAnnotation(out, column);
String member = getStrategy().getJavaMemberName(column, Mode.POJO);
if (member.startsWith("is") && ((ColumnDefinition) column)
.anyMatch(c -> member.equals("is" +
StringUtils.toUC(getStrategy().getJavaMemberName(c, Mode.POJO))
))) {
getStrategy().getJavaSetterName(column, Mode.POJO));