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How can I display only the first 10 inputs from the list?

I'm inserting in a list of struct some details that each fourplet represents a packet with source, destination, generation time and a rollnumber? Here is my display function and in the main() I just call her: display(); in the end of the main code. How can I display only the first 10 packets (fourplets) from the list, that I inserted before with the insert function below?

struct Packet{
 int rollnumber;
 int src;
 int dest;
 double gentime;
 struct Packet *next;
 }* head;    

void display(){
 struct Packet * temp = head;
    printf("Roll Number: %d\n",temp->rollnumber);
    printf("src: %d\n", temp->src);
    printf("dest: %d\n", temp->dest);
    printf("gentime: %0.1f\n\n", temp->gentime);
    temp = temp->next;

 void insert(int rollnumber, int src, int dest, double gentime){
  struct Packet * packet = (struct Packet *) malloc(sizeof(struct Packet));
  packet->rollnumber = rollnumber;
  packet->gentime = gentime;
  packet->next = NULL;

    head = packet;
    packet->next = head;
    head = packet;


  • Write the function display for example the following way

    void display( size_t n )
        if ( n == 0 ) n = ( size_t )-1;
        for ( struct Packet * temp = head; n-- && temp != NULL; temp = temp->next )
            printf("Roll Number: %d\n",temp->rollnumber);
            printf("src: %d\n", temp->src);
            printf("dest: %d\n", temp->dest);
            printf("gentime: %0.1f\n\n", temp->gentime);

    And call the function for example like

    display( 10 );

    When the function is called with the argument equal to 0 then the function outputs the whole list.