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How do I add an event listener to my button created in C# for IE BHO?

In my IE BHO I create a input button element using:

    var button = doc.createElement("input");
    button.setAttribute("value", "myButton"); //next line gets an error
    button.addEventListener("click", openFunction, false); //openFunction is a function inside of the same class

When I try to call button.addEventListener I get a 'mshtml.IHTMLElement' does not contain a definition for 'addEventListener' error. I find this odd because according to this site ( I should be in the clear.

I also saw this thread but it seems like overkill for what I'm trying to do and I can't get it to work.


  • Finally got it to work. Had to use similar method to the thread I linked in original question.

    /// Inside the BHO.cs file and in my namespace
    /// Generic HTML DOM Event method handler.
    public delegate void DHTMLEvent(IHTMLEventObj e);
    /// Generic Event handler for HTML DOM objects.
    /// Handles a basic event object which receives an IHTMLEventObj which
    /// applies to all document events raised.
    public class DHTMLEventHandler
        public DHTMLEvent Handler;
        HTMLDocument Document;
        public DHTMLEventHandler(HTMLDocument doc)
            this.Document = doc;
        public void Call()
        public void BrowserEventHandler(IHTMLEventObj e)
                if (e.type == "click" && == "IDOfmyButton")
                    // do something.

    Inside my OnDocumentComplete method (also in same namespace as above [extra info for novices]):

                DHTMLEventHandler myHandler = new DHTMLEventHandler(framedoc);
                myHandler.Handler += new DHTMLEvent(this.BrowserEventHandler);
                button.onclick = myHandler;

    A lot of work just to get a button to click. In firefox it was one line :O