mongoimport --uri mongodb+srv://gtye:<PASSWORD> --collection dxgraph-collection --type json --file ~/DxHero%20Godot/Data/postgres_export.json
2021-05-25T12:58:05.538-0400 Failed: open /Users/gtye/DxHero%20Godot/Data/postgres_export.json: no such file or directory
2021-05-25T12:58:05.538-0400 0 document(s) imported successfully. 0 document(s) failed to import.
But I know it's there!!
It's literally right here!! What the heck is going on?
is a URI escaping mechanism. It doesn't work in the shell.
mongoimport --uri mongodb+srv://gtye:<PASSWORD> --collection dxgraph-collection --type json --file ~/"DxHero Godot/Data/postgres_export.json"