I have an issue validating Date format: If I write "01/01-1987" I need to validate as a wrong format, it should only accept "01/01/1987" || "01-01-1987" || "01 01 1987". How can I achieve this? I have the following code:
dateOfBirth: yup
.test('invalid-length', DOB_ERROR, value => value.length === 10)
.test('invalid-date', DOB_ERROR, value => {
function compareFutureDate(date) {
return isBefore(
date.replace(/[\/ ]/g, '-'),
new Date()
sub(new Date(), { days: 1 })
function comparePastDate(date) {
return isAfter(
date.replace(/[\/ ]/g, '-'),
new Date()
new Date('12-31-1900')
return compareFutureDate(value) && comparePastDate(value);
You can add 1 more test method for invalid date, like this one:
const isValidFormat = str => str.replace(/[^\/ -]/g, "")
.every((e, _, a) => a[0] === e)
console.log('12-12-1994:', isValidFormat('12-12-1994'))
console.log('12/12-1994:', isValidFormat('12/12-1994'))
console.log('12-12 1994:', isValidFormat('12-12 1994'))
console.log('12/12/1994:', isValidFormat('12/12/1994'))