I want to get the value of a property of an object in an array.
I am sending the following items to Google Tag Manager.
items: [{id: 'exampleX', price: '9999'},{id: 'exampleY', price: '9999'},{id: 'exampleZ', price: '9999'}]
Is there any other way to get the price of exampleX but with custom JavaScript?
Or is there a simpler way to get it?
Best Regards,
Check this out:
const items = [{id: 'exampleX', price: '9999'},{id: 'exampleY', price: '9999'},{id: 'exampleZ', price: '9999'}]
const price = items.filter(e => e.id === "exampleX").pop()?.price;
items.filter(e => e.id === "exampleX")
matches every element where id==="exampleX"
to get the first element from array (might be null if no element is found)?.price
safe unwrap to get property price (undefined if no element was found)Update:
const items = [{id: 'exampleX', price: '9999'},{id: 'exampleY', price: '9999'},{id: 'exampleZ', price: '9999'}]
const price = items[0].price; // first element = index 0