I've been learning a lot about de-compiling functions and some other things but I got stuck on a particular situation; I was playing with my C code and I got a pseudo code from a particular function.
This function is called
int seekANDReplace(char *string, int size,
const char *seek, const char *replace)
And from the previous function I got something like this using HEXRAY Decompiler:
__int64 __fastcall seekANDReplace(_BYTE *a1, int a2, _BYTE *a3, _BYTE *a4)
char v4; // al
_BYTE *v6; // r12
char v7; // r8
_BYTE *v8; // rbx
int v9; // ebx
__int64 v10; // r14
_BYTE *v11; // rbx
unsigned int i; // esi
int v13; // er13
int v14; // ebx
_BYTE *v15; // rax
int v16; // edi
__int64 v17; // r10
__int64 v18; // r11
__int64 v19; // rax
__int64 v20; // r10
__int64 v21; // rdx
_BYTE *v22; // r8
__int64 v23; // r8
v4 = *a3;
v6 = a4;
v7 = *a4;
if ( v4 )
v8 = a3;
while ( *v8 );
v9 = (_DWORD)v8 - (_DWORD)a3;
v10 = v9;
if ( !v7 )
v14 = -v9;
v13 = 0;
goto LABEL_9;
v10 = 0i64;
if ( !v7 )
return 0;
v11 = a4;
while ( *v11 );
i = 0;
if ( !v4 )
return i;
v13 = (_DWORD)v11 - (_DWORD)a4;
v14 = (_DWORD)v11 - (_DWORD)a4 - v10;
if ( *a1 )
v15 = a1;
while ( *v15 );
a2 -= (_DWORD)v15 - (_DWORD)a1;
v16 = a2 - 1;
for ( i = 0; ; ++i )
v19 = __strstri(a1, a3);
v20 = v19;
if ( !v19 )
if ( v16 < v14 )
return ~i;
if ( v14 )
v21 = v19 + v10;
v16 -= v14;
if ( *(_BYTE *)(v19 + v10) )
v22 = (_BYTE *)(v19 + v10);
while ( *v22 );
v23 = (int)v22 - (int)v21 + 1;
v23 = 1i64;
__memmove(v19 + v10 + v14, v21, v23);
__memmove(v20, v6, v13);
a1 = (_BYTE *)(v17 + v18);
return i;
The problem is that it is not pure C or C++ source code, far from it... I would like to display a more readable code. How can I achieve something like that and get some C code in order to debug?
This is actually compilable C code.
None of the variables have names because that information is not in the executable (unless it was compiled with debug settings). The types being used are typedefs for certain integer types which presumably the decompiler has available as a header file. So given that header you can recompile this source file.