I have this formula:
=IF(AD491="In progress" OR AD491="Reopened"(ROUND($BW$1-AI491,0),($BW$1-BB491+1))
It's checking if cell AD491 contains the words "In Progress" or "Reopened".
Excel is not allowing this formula.
I tried to do the following:
=IF(AD491="In progress") OR (AD491="Reopened")(ROUND($BW$1-AI491,0),($BW$1-BB491+1))
=IF(AD491={"In progress","Reopened"},(ROUND($BW$1-AI491,0),($BW$1-BB491+1))
But I'm still getting the Excel error.
How can I fix this?
You have the syntax for OR wrong and you are missing commas.
=IF(OR(AD491="In progress",AD491="Reopened") , ROUND($BW$1-AI491,0), $BW$1-BB491+1)