You have a function that generates "tr" and "td" in the table. With For Loop I put "td" elements into "tr". Actually Everything works. But I am getting an error in Visual Studio Code.
Her is my code:
function setUI(tbody, courseData){
let arrCourse = Object.values(courseData) // parse object to array
let tr = document.createElement('tr'); // create tr
let button = document.createElement('button'); // create delete button
button.className = 'btn btn-danger'; // add class to button element
tbody.appendChild(tr); // add tr to tbody
for(let i = 0; i<arrCourse.length+1; i++){
let td = document.createElement('td'); // create td .
tr.appendChild(td); // append td to tr
td.innerHTML = arrCourse[i]; // get index of array then push it to td
My error is here: Type 'unknown' is not assignable to type 'string'.ts(2322)
Erros is this line:
td.innerHTML = arrCourse[i]; // get index of array then push it to td
Typescript compiler is not able to infer the type, so it assumes the type to be any. You can solve this problem by setting the type explicitly
let arrCourse: string[] = Object.values(courseData) // parse object to array