I created a get request to get all the entries which is 997 entries and used JSON JMESPath Extractor to store the entries ids in a list. The JMESPath expression I used is entries[*].id
and I used ForEach Controller to loop through the list and use each value of the list in next http request. The problem is that I want to get the ids of all 997 entries in the list, not just 10 values which is given at once by JMESPath extractor. I tried to take the length of entries as len and used While Controller to loop 100 times so that I can execute the next http request about 1000 times with condition ((${len}+3)/10)
. But, no matter how many times the loop executes, the values in the list obtained from JMESPath Extractor remains the same.
The Json response I get is similar as shown below.
"total": 997,
"entries": [
"id": 123389,
"parent-customer": [
"id": 123775,
"value": "Donal Thornber"
I have only kept one entry for reference.
If you need to get all the IDs in a single shot - the easiest would be going for JSON Extractor, it provides ..
deep scan operator so the expression like $..id
will match all the id
attributes values no matter where they are:
More information: API Testing With JMeter and the JSON Extractor