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Sorting tree view nodes by type and alphabetically A->Z

I'm working on an application that uses a tree view. The tree view has three type of nodes:

  • Root nodes: Those ones can not be sorted, their tag contains the string "Root" to identify them, and the child nodes has this type of node as a parent.
  • Folders: Those can be sorted, the idea is that always are before the other nodes on top and sorted in ascending order A->Z. These have the tag "Folders".
  • Others: The idea is that those are before folders and also sorted in ascending order A->Z

Here's how this tree view looks:

enter image description here

The idea is to sort all child nodes inside the root nodes (Sounds, Audio Data), and having always the folders before the nodes.

I've been trying with this code but does not work:

// Create a node sorter that implements the IComparer interface.
public class NodeSorter : IComparer
    public int Compare(object x, object y)
        int resultComparing;
        TreeNode tx = x as TreeNode;
        TreeNode ty = y as TreeNode;

        if (tx.Tag.ToString().Equals("Root") || ty.Tag.ToString().Equals("Root"))
            resultComparing = 2;
        else if (tx.Tag.ToString().Equals("Folder") || ty.Tag.ToString().Equals("Folder"))
            resultComparing = string.Compare(tx.Tag.ToString(), ty.Tag.ToString(), true);
            resultComparing = string.Compare(tx.Text, ty.Text, true);

        return resultComparing;

It would also be interesting that the code are very optimized because this tree view can contain easily more than 500 nodes.



  • The root nodes have no parents and their Level properties return 0 so you don't need to use their Tag properties to identify them. You just need to identify the Folder nodes in the sorter to sort and keep them on top of the other nodes. Then lastly sort the rest.

    public class NodeSorter : IComparer
        public int Compare(object x, object y)
            var nx = x as TreeNode;
            var ny = y as TreeNode;
            // Keep the order of the root nodes...
            if (nx.Level == 0 || ny.Level == 0) return 1;
            // If x is Folder...
            if (nx.Tag is string sx && sx == "Folder")                
                // And y is Folder...
                if (ny.Tag is string sy && sy == "Folder")
                    // Then, sort them...
                    return string.Compare(nx.Text, ny.Text, true);
                // Otherwise, x precedes y...
                return -1;
            // If y is Folder...
            else if (ny.Tag is string sy && sy == "Folder")
                // Then, x follows y...
                return 1;
            // Sort the other nodes...
            return string.Compare(nx.Text, ny.Text, true);