h2 element is not visible in React while using semantic-ui
My react code is accessible in code-sandbox, https://codesandbox.io/s/suspicious-hill-4f4xr?file=/src/AddContact.js:137-159
I have 2 components embedded within App. 1st is the header component showing string 'Contact Manager' 2nd component, which is AddContact, is a form containing just 2 fields: name, email.
Now, the interesting thing is that, h2 element within AddContact, is not visible while rendering.
Can anyone let me know, why does h2 element gets hidden ?
The url shared above for code sandbox, directly cursors to the h2 element code.
The react app rendered by code sandbox can be directly accessed from https://4f4xr.csb.app/
From my side, I came to know that, using className="ui fixed menu" is what is hiding content below. But, I am not sure, why it happens.
The fixed menu covers the h2 element.
.ui.menu.fixed {
position: fixed;
z-index: 101;
margin: 0;
width: 100%;
If you replaced position:fixed with position:relative, the h2 element should display below the menu.
To fix the issue, you can add a top padding above the h2 or the container that is holding it, or add margins wherever necessary.