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Matter js Body.set not updating objects position

I have a Matter.js World where I'm updating some Bodies.

let ball1 = document.getElementById("ball-1");
let ball2 = document.getElementById("ball-2");
let ball3 = document.getElementById("ball-3");

// module aliases
var Engine = Matter.Engine,
    Render = Matter.Render,
    World = Matter.World,
    Bodies = Matter.Bodies,
    Body = Matter.Body,
    Events = Matter.Events;

// create an engine
var engine = Engine.create();

var w = window.innerWidth;
var h = window.innerHeight;

// create 3 circles and walls
var circle1 =, 40, ball1.offsetWidth/2, { restitution: 0.99 });
var circle2 =, 100, ball2.offsetWidth/2, { restitution: 0.99 });
var circle3 =, 50, ball3.offsetWidth/2, { restitution: 0.99 });

var ceiling = Bodies.rectangle(w/2, -15, w, 30, { isStatic: true });
var wallLeft = Bodies.rectangle(-15, h/2, 30, h, { isStatic: true, restitution: 0.99 });
var wallRight = Bodies.rectangle(w+15, h/2, 30, h, { isStatic: true, restitution: 0.99 });
var floor = Bodies.rectangle(w/2, h+15, w, 30, { isStatic: true, restitution: 0.99 });

// add all of the bodies to the world
World.add(, [circle1, circle2, circle3, floor, wallLeft, wallRight, ceiling]);;

Events.on(engine, "afterUpdate", function(){ = "translateX(" + circle1.position.x + "px) translateY(" + circle1.position.y + "px) rotate("+circle1.angle+"rad)"; = "translateX(" + circle2.position.x + "px) translateY(" + circle2.position.y + "px)  rotate("+circle2.angle+"rad)"; = "translateX(" + circle3.position.x + "px) translateY(" + circle3.position.y + "px)  rotate("+circle3.angle+"rad)";

The problem I'm having is that when I'm resizing the window, I'm calling the following method:

window.addEventListener("resize", () => {
  w = window.innerWidth;
  h = window.innerHeight;

  Body.set(circle1, { x: w/2, y: 10 });
  Body.set(circle2, { x: w/2 + 10, y: 10 });
  Body.set(circle3, { x: w/2 - 10, y: 10 });
  Body.set(floor, { x: w/2, width: w, y: h+15 });
  Body.set(ceiling, { x: w/2, width: w });
  Body.set(wallLeft, { y: h/2, height: h });
  Body.set(wallRight, { x: w+15, y: h/2, height: h });

But, while the console.log is showing the new y position of the floor, the elements on screen aren't updating. Am I calling this function wrong?

Body.set(floor, { x: w/2, width: w, y: h+15 }); 

Full demo:


  • This question is a bit old, but if anyone has the same question, I'd better answer this.

    In matter-js

    update position using

    Matter.Body.set(circle1, "position", {x: 100, y: 100})

    Source code link :