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How to sum non-consecutive values when using group by in MySQL

I have a data set representing alarms' state at a given timestamp (every 15 minutes). When the value is 1 the alarm is ON, 0 when OFF. I am trying to count the number of times the alarm has been triggered per hour (non-consecutive 1).

I took a look at Count max number of consecutive occurrences of a value in SQL Server but couldn't manage to adapt the answer.

Basically the data set for one alarm looks like this:

| id |   value  |    registered_at    |   
| -- | ---------|---------------------|
|  1 |     1    | 2012-07-15  06:00   |
|  2 |     0    | 2012-07-15  06:15   |
|  3 |     1    | 2012-07-15  06:30   |
|  4 |     0    | 2012-07-15  06:45   |
|  5 |     1    | 2012-07-15  07:00   |
|  6 |     1    | 2012-07-15  07:15   |
|  7 |     1    | 2012-07-15  07:30   |
|  8 |     0    | 2012-07-15  07:45   |
|  8 |     0    | 2012-07-15  08:00   |

The results I am looking for is the following

|   registered_at    | alarm_triggered | 
|   2012-07-15  06   |        2        |
|   2012-07-15  07   |        1        |
|   2012-07-15  08   |        0        |

To create groups I use EXTRACT(DAY_HOUR from registered_at). Can you help me create the query?

(First time poster on SO, any feedback about the form of this post would be greatly appreciated as well)


  • Use LAG() window function to check the value of value of the previous row and if it is different and the current row is 1 then sum:

    SELECT registered_at, 
           SUM(value * flag) alarm_triggered 
    FROM (
      SELECT value,
             DATE_FORMAT(registered_at, '%Y-%m-%d %H') registered_at, 
             value <> LAG(value, 1, 0) OVER (PARTITION BY DATE_FORMAT(registered_at, '%m-%d-%Y %H') ORDER BY registered_at) flag
      FROM tablename
    ) t
    GROUP BY registered_at

    See the demo.

    registered_at alarm_triggered
    2012-07-15 06 2
    2012-07-15 07 1
    2012-07-15 08 0