I am wondering how it would be possible in A-frame (aframe.io) to set the color of an object to a variable. For example, if a variable called x has a value of #8F3A84 then the color of the shape will be set to that color. If the variable has a value of #738F3A then the shape will also set to that color. How can I achieve something like this?
Here is the code for my shape: <a-box position="0 20 0" static-body width="20" depth="20" height="0.1"></a-box>
You can use a function instead of a variable. Like the following:
const changeColor = (eleId, colorValue) => {
const box = document.getElementById(eleId)
box.setAttribute('color', colorValue)
Full Implementation
<a-scene stats="" inspector="" keyboard-shortcuts="" screenshot="" vr-mode-ui="" device-orientation-permission-ui="">
<a-box id='test' position="0 5 0" static-body="" width="5" depth="5" height="5" material="" geometry=""></a-box>
window.changeColor = (eleId, colorValue) => {
const box = document.getElementById(eleId)
box.setAttribute('color', colorValue)
changeColor('test', 'red')
Call the changeColor function from anywhere