This was my main question here
I am trying to replicate the auto-grow example on their playground
I tried to add a scrolling container, and set heights for elements but
You can also find a codesandbox demo here
If you paste alot of content, after a certain height, the page would scroll up to the top of the editor... resulting in a very jarring experience.
The scroll to top problem with large amount of text cannot even be solved by the Autogrow example in quill.
After some trial and errors, the upcoming 2.0.0 can solve it perfectly.
As of 22-May-2021, the latest version is 2.0.0-dev.4
yarn add quill@2.0.0-dev.4
// or
npm install quill@2.0.0-dev.4
The codesandbox example for demostration: