architecture Behavioral of REGISTERS is
type REG_FILE_TYPE is array(0 to 15) of STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 downto 0);
signal REG_ARRAY : REG_FILE_TYPE:= (others => X"0000");
case (WRITE_ENABLE) is
when '1' => REG_ARRAY(to_integer(unsigned(WRITE_ADDRESS))) <= REG_INPUT;
when '0' => NULL;
when others => NULL;
end case;
end process;
You forgot to add the clock to the process. If there's no clock, and the synthesizer infers that you have a need some memory for the implementation, then it has no other option than to add latches. This is almost always a mistake.
Besides that, I don't like your case structure here, where a simple if-then
would do. This is how I'd implement it:
process(REG_CLOCK) is
if rising_edge(REG_CLOCK) then
if WRITE_ENABLE = '0' then
REG_ARRAY(to_integer(unsigned(WRITE_ADDRESS))) <= REG_INPUT;
end if;
end if:
end process;