I have afterSubmit function that I wrote that will iterate through all related transactions connected with the same CTG_ID value (which is a custom parent record) and the script will actually update just one field on all of these values.
My problem is because this is a really slow method, more transactions I have connected to the same parent more time the user needs to wait after clicking the "Save" button. Script execution time is terrible.
Is there any faster / better way to update a certain field on a group of records?
My function for updating those transactions:
function afterSubmit(context) {
const newRecord = context.newRecord;
const ctgId = newRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custbody_ctgid' });
const currentCustomerPo = newRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custbodyctg_customer_po'})
type: 'transaction',
filters: [['custbody_ctgid', 'anyof', ctgId],
columns: ['custbodyctg_customer_po']
}).run().getRange({start: 0, end:100}).forEach((result,line) => {
const ctgPo = result.getValue('custbodyctg_customer_po') as string;
const recType = result.recordType;
const recId = result.id;
let rec = record.load({
type: recType,
id: recId,
isDynamic: true
fieldId: 'custbodyctg_customer_po',
value: currentCustomerPo,
ignoreFieldChange: true
Thanks to Brian Duffy's answer, this is working a lot better!
I modified the script so now I iterate through results with each
instead of forEach
function. I'm using record.submitFields
function instead of record.load
function afterSubmit(context) {
const newRecord = context.newRecord;
const oldRecord = context.oldRecord;
const ctgId = newRecord.getValue({fieldId: 'custbody_ctgid'});
const currentCustomerPo = newRecord.getValue({fieldId: 'custbodyctg_customer_po'})
const oldCustomerPo = oldRecord.getValue({fieldId: 'custbodyctg_customer_po'})
if (oldCustomerPo !== currentCustomerPo) {
type: 'transaction',
filters: [['custbody_ctgid', 'anyof', ctgId],
['mainline', 'is', 'T']],
columns: ['custbodyctg_customer_po', 'type']
}).run().each((result) => {
if (result.recordType !== 'salesorder') {
const recType = result.recordType;
const recId = result.id;
type: recType,
id: recId,
values: {
custbodyctg_customer_po: currentCustomerPo
options: {
enableSourcing: false,
ignoreMandatoryFields: true
return true;
Still, after testing few transactions with an average of 5 linked transactions to them this is running like 5-7 seconds. Stil slow for me. If anyone has suggestions it would be AWESOME!
I would try using run.each instead of getRange for your search results and use record.sumbitFields instead of loading and saving the record.