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Netsuite AP aging throug SuiteAnalytics connect

Hope you have a great day and help me with the problem

I am trying to recreate AP aging through ODBC. Everything is working fine except the Journal transactions. In Netsuite Saved searches there is a field remainingamount which is not available in connection schema for some reason. We have tried to conctact Netsuite directly but still got no any feedback from them. There is a field foreignamountunpaid/foreignamountunused in transactionline table I am trying to use right now. And with bills and Expense reports it's working totaly fine.

However, for no reason we have some problems with some of JEs. In some of them there is null value when in the Saved search there is a value for that line. I tried to analyse why this is happening but it's look totaly random.

So, do you by any chance know if there is a better field for amount remaining I could use throug ODBC connection? Or why some of JEs have null values in those fields foreignamountunpaid/foreignamountunused ?

Thank you in advance.


  • Found the way to make it work

    nvl(nvl(transactionline.foreignamountunpaid, -transactionline.foreignpaymentamountunused),-transactionline.foreignamount)

    this column in sql gives you desired result