I currenty have an array of dates that looks like the following:
In a separate entry array, I have entries that contain the dates that pertain to a specific date:
id: 5e24d1fa-aa66-4122-b1eb-97792f0893b0,
name: "Rodriquez Family",
selectedDates: ["2021-05-01"],
status: "submitted"
id: 269a0381-63c7-4ab6-92d8-7f7b836aee6f,
name: "Test Family",
selectedDates: ["2021-05-03"],
status: "submitted"
I am attempting to pair the two arrays for a result that would look something like the following:
date: "2021-05-01",
event: {
id: 5e24d1fa-aa66-4122-b1eb-97792f0893b0,
name: "Rodriquez Family",
selectedDates: ["2021-05-01"],
status: "submitted"
date: "2021-05-02",
event: null
date: "2021-05-03",
event: {
id: 269a0381-63c7-4ab6-92d8-7f7b836aee6f,
name: "Test Family",
selectedDates: ["2021-05-03"],
status: "submitted"
The issue I am running into is that as I loop through the events array and check if an event has a selected date that belongs to to a date in the dates array. It duplicates the dates for however many events there are. My function looks like the following:
const getDates = async () => {
const addEvents = dateArr.map((date) => {
return events.map((event) => {
if (event.selectedDates.includes(date)) {
return { date, event };
return { date, event: null, checked: false };
I have included a condesandbox using react for debugging!! https://codesandbox.io/s/dawn-snow-03r59?file=/src/App.js The code sandbox will show how the dates are being duplicated.
For each dateArr
element, you're iterating over events
and returning a list of objects with the two specified options. Instead, you can use Array#find
to check if it exists or not:
dateArr = ["2021-05-01", "2021-05-02", "2021-05-03"],
events = [
{ id: "5e24d1fa-aa66-4122-b1eb-97792f0893b0", name: "Rodriquez Family", selectedDates: ["2021-05-01"], status: "submitted" },
{ id: "269a0381-63c7-4ab6-92d8-7f7b836aee6f", name: "Test Family", selectedDates: ["2021-05-03"], status: "submitted" }
const list = dateArr.map(date => {
const event = events.find(({ selectedDates = [] }) => selectedDates.includes(date));
return event ? { date, event } : { date, event: null, checked: false };