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using IN instruction crashes the x86 program

I am trying to write a delay timer using port 61H (PB4) and using MASM run it on a Windows XP on virtual machine. However, when the code runs the IN instruction, it crashes the program, no matter which port is called.

.model flat,stdcall

include C:\masm32\include\
include C:\masm32\include\
include C:\masm32\include\
include C:\masm32\include\
includelib C:\masm32\lib\masm32.lib
includelib C:\masm32\lib\msvcrt.lib
includelib C:\masm32\lib\kernel32.lib

msg1 db "text 1  ", 0
msg2 db "text 2", 0
msg3 db "text 2", 0

start proc

invoke crt_printf, offset msg1
push cx

call waitf
pop cx

invoke crt_printf, offset msg2

invoke crt_scanf, offset msg3
invoke ExitProcess,0

start endp

waitf proc near
    mov cx, 33144
    push ax
        in al, 61h
        and al, 10h
        cmp al, ah  
        je waitf1   
        mov ah, al
        loop waitf1
        pop ax  
waitf endp

end start

I can not understand why the computer can not get data from the port 61h.


  • Computer can get data from I/O port but only if it runs in real mode or in ring 0, which is reserved for kernel and device drivers. In native DOS you can read whichever I/O port you like, and some well-known ports can be read/written even when the realmode program runs in simulator (NTVDM, DosBox).

    But as you have chosen Windows protected-mode executable, this won't work.
    Invoke WinAPI function Sleep(dwMilliseconds) instead.