I am currently trying serialze and correctly deserialize an Object containing a List with tuples using googles Gson. I have found similar questions here here and here but I wasnt able to adjust their solutions to my problem, because my List is in an Object.
Here a quick example:
import com.google.gson.*;
import java.util.*;
public class SerializeTheCity {
public static void main(String[] args) {
HashMap <String, Integer> cityMap = new HashMap <>();
cityMap.put("Street A", 4);
cityMap.put("Street B", 3);
cityMap.put("Street C", 7);
cityMap.put("Street D", 8);
cityMap.put("Street E", 9);
City someCity = new City();
someCity.streets= new ArrayList<>();
System.out.println(someCity.streets.get(1).getValue()); //works fine, how do I serialize it?
Gson gson = new Gson();
String saveCity = gson.toJson(someCity);
System.out.println(saveCity); //does not work (empty List)
// here I tried to use a solution [link 1] that worked for a similar question.
Gson gson2 = new Gson();
JsonElement jsonTree = gson2.toJsonTree(cityMap, Map.class);
JsonObject jsonObject = new JsonObject();
jsonObject.add("city", jsonTree);
System.out.println("city = "+jsonObject); //how do I deserialize this into an object of city?
City thisCity = gson.fromJson(jsonObject, City.class);
System.out.println("streets = "+thisCity.streets); // doesnt work
//works like in [link 1]. But its not a city-object.
HashMap <String, Integer> thisStreets = gson.fromJson(jsonObject.get("city"), HashMap.class);
System.out.println("this streets = "+thisStreets);
System.out.println("is this street A?"+thisStreets.get("Street A"));
// this works, but I would like having the streets
//in a city object (I could build a new city object like "newCity.streets=thisStreets",
//but perhaps you know a smarter solution)
class City {
List<Map.Entry<String,Integer>> streets; //Street, HouseNumber
Thank you for your help.
You've simply confused GSON when you rearranged the type that streets
holds. You've created a HashMap, but then type streets as a Map.Entry.
If you simply type streets
as a HashMap, its native type, then everything works just fine.
Two changes:
to set streets
with a List of HashMapstreets
to be List<HashMap<String,Integer>> streets;
Those two simple changes fix it for you:
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
HashMap < String, Integer > cityMap = new HashMap < > ();
cityMap.put("Street A", 4);
cityMap.put("Street B", 3);
cityMap.put("Street C", 7);
cityMap.put("Street D", 8);
cityMap.put("Street E", 9);
City someCity = new City();
// Don't do this
// someCity.streets = new ArrayList<>>();
// someCity.streets.addAll(cityMap.entrySet());
// Do this instead
someCity.streets = List.of(cityMap);
System.out.printf("Streets in City Object: %s%n", someCity.streets);
Gson gson = new Gson();
String saveCity = gson.toJson(someCity);
System.out.printf("Serialized City (JSON): %s%n", saveCity);
City otherCity = gson.fromJson(saveCity, City.class);
System.out.printf("Streets in DESERIALIZED City Object: %s%n", someCity.streets);
class City {
// Use a HashMap
List < HashMap < String, Integer >> streets;
Produces this output:
Streets in City Object: [{Street E=9, Street D=8, Street C=7, Street B=3, Street A=4}]
Serialized City (JSON): {"streets":[{"Street E":9,"Street D":8,"Street C":7,"Street B":3,"Street A":4}]}
Streets in DESERIALIZED City Object: [{Street E=9, Street D=8, Street C=7, Street B=3, Street A=4}]