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Periodic background task in Blazor wasm

In Blazor wasm, I would like to periodically execute a job (code), even if the user is navigating through the pages (every x min for example).

Is that possible? What would be a practical way?


  • Create a Service to manage the timer

    public class JobExecutedEventArgs : EventArgs {}
    public class PeriodicExecutor : IDisposable
        public event EventHandler<JobExecutedEventArgs> JobExecuted;
        void OnJobExecuted()
            JobExecuted?.Invoke(this, new JobExecutedEventArgs());
        Timer _Timer;
        bool _Running;
        public void StartExecuting()
            if (!_Running)
                // Initiate a Timer
                _Timer= new Timer();
                _Timer.Interval = 300_000;  // every 5 mins
                _Timer.Elapsed += HandleTimer;
                _Timer.AutoReset = true;
                _Timer.Enabled = true;
                _Running = true;
        void HandleTimer(object source, ElapsedEventArgs e)
            // Execute required job
            // Notify any subscribers to the event
        public void Dispose()
            if (_Running)
                // Clear up the timer

    Register it in Program.cs


    Request it and start it in home page initialization

    @page "/home"
    @inject PeriodicExecutor PeriodicExecutor
    @code {
        protected override void OnInitialized()

    In any component if you want to do something when job executes

    @inject PeriodicExecutor PeriodicExecutor
    @implements IDisposable
    @code {
       protected override void OnIntiialized()
           PeriodicExecutor.JobExecuted += HandleJobExecuted;
       public void Dispose()
           PeriodicExecutor.JobExecuted -= HandleJobExecuted;
       string JobNotification;
       void HandleJobExecuted(object sender, JobExecutedEventArgs e)
            JobNotification = $"Job Executed: {DateTime.Now}";