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Blazor WASM Environment is always Production

I have a .Net 8 Blazor Web App and the client's builder.HostEnvironment.Environment is always (locally and on Azure) set to 'Production' even if the Server builder.Environment is set to 'Development'

Why? I don't know about anywhere in the client project where I set it to 'Production'.


  • Using 'DebugLocal' instead of 'Debug' solved it.

    enter image description here


    This solution is not working for me anymore (I think since I've updated to dotnet 8.0.8).

    It looks like the issue is that for some reason, the blazor-environment header is not being set from the server, doing it from code solved it for me.

    Need to insert this code before app.UseStaticFiles();

    var env = app.Environment.EnvironmentName;
    app.Use((context, next) =>
        var url = context.Request.GetEncodedUrl();
        if (url.EndsWith("blazor.boot.json"))
            context.Response.Headers.Append("blazor-environment", env);
        return next(context);

    For Request.GetEncodedUrl() to work, you need using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Extensions;
