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Time Sheet Record Check for Date Order

I have the employees clock in records here. enter image description here

What I'm trying to do is, I want to filter the names of these records in "Check" Tab against the date in order.

enter image description here

If the employee is present on the particular day (A Column), I wan to pull the record of that particular employee in the B1 and populate it against the date in A column, If he is absent on that day, It has to be marked as Absent.

I tried doing this in many ways with array formula, Query, and V Look up but ended with errors. can you help me with this?

This is my sample working sheet


  • Try this:


    Taking into account of future dates and 'ABSENT':



    VLOOKUP takes the date from Col A and the name from B1 and then refers to the first {}, to compare against {INT(Records!B:B)&Records!A:A which is the whole day without the time using INT around the date/time, and the person name.

    Where there is an exact match, {2,3,4,5} brings back columns 2,3,4,5 from the second array {}.

    If there is an error matching IFERROR, then checks IF(A3:A<=TODAY(),"ABSENT","-"). If the day is today or before, it puts "ABSENT", otherwise "-".

    if(A3:A<>""... at the start only does the VLOOKUP whilst the value in column A is not blank, otherwise ,) does nothing (the space between , and )).

    ARRAYFORMULA works down the sheet.