I have a component which takes an object as a property, but for some reason when rendering this.item
is undefined.
@property({type: Object}) item?: {
family: {iconUrl: string; name: string};
} | null;
static get styles(): CSSResult[] {
return [
render(): TemplateResult {
if (this.item) {
return html`<div>found item</div>
} else {
return html`<div>item not found</div>
In my HTML I have the following:
const item = {
family: {
name: 'title',
iconUrl: 'url'
html`<my-component item="${item}"></my-component>
Is there something I'm missing in order to accept an object as an argument? I've tried adjusting a number of things such as making the arg .item="{ }"
with no avail.
Use the property syntax without string quotes:
html`<my-component .item=${item}></my-component>`
You can tell Lit to not check for the string attribute:
@property({attribute: false}) item?: {
family: {iconUrl: string; name: string};
You don't need an explicit null
unless you want to handle it differently from undefined
(which is the default if you don't set it).