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How do I use a property for the value of an <input>?

I'd like a reactive property to be "bound" to the value of an <input> element. I can achieve this using various approaches, such as using @change(...), but I wonder if there is a more canonical way of doing it?

import {html, LitElement} from 'lit';
import {customElement, property} from 'lit/decorators.js';

export class SimpleGreeting extends LitElement {
  name: string = 'Somebody';

  render() {
    return html`
        <input .value=${}>
        <p>Hello, ${}!</p>

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  • Use input Event Listener as follows:

    import { html, css, LitElement } from 'lit';
    import { customElement, property } from 'lit/decorators.js';
    export class SimpleGreeting extends LitElement {
      static styles = css`p { color: blue }`;
      name = 'Somebody';
      render() {
        return html`
          <input .value=${} @input=${this._onInput}>
          <p>Hello, ${}!</p>
      private _onInput(event: Event) { = ( as HTMLInputElement).value;

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