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How to use `sum` within `summarize` in a KQL query?

I'm working at logging an Azure Storage Account. Have a Diagnostic Setting applied and am using Log Analytics to write KQL queries.

My goal is to determine the number of GetBlob requests (OperationName) for a given fileSize (RequestBodySize).

The challenge is that I need to sum the RequestBodySize for all GetBlob operations on each file. I'm not sure how to nest sum in summarize.

Tried so far:

| where TimeGenerated >= ago(5h)
  and AccountName == 'storageAccount'
  and OperationName  == 'GetBlob'
| summarize count() by Uri, fileSize = format_bytes(RequestBodySize)
| render scatterchart 

Results in:

enter image description here

Also tried: fileSize = format_bytes(sum(RequestBodySize)) but this errored out.

Any ideas?

EDIT 1: Testing out @Yoni's solution.

  • Here is an example of RequestBodySize with no summarization:

enter image description here

  • When implementing the summarize query (| summarize count() by Uri, fileSize = format_bytes(RequestBodySize)), the results are 0 bytes.
  • Though its clear there are multiple calls for a given Uri, the sum doesn't seem to be working.

enter image description here


  • And yeah... pays to verify the field names! There is no RequestBodySize field available, only ResponseBodySize. Using the correct value worked (imagine that!).

enter image description here


  • I need to sum the RequestBodySize for all GetBlob operations on each file

    If I understood your question correctly, you could try this:

    | where TimeGenerated >= ago(5h)
      and AccountName == 'storageAccount'
      and OperationName  == 'GetBlob'
    | summarize count(), total_size = format_bytes(sum(RequestBodySize)) by Uri

    Here's an example using a dummy data set:

    datatable(Url:string, ResponseBodySize:long)
        "https://something1", 33554432,
        "https://something3", 12341234,
        "https://something1", 33554432,
        "https://something2", 12345678,
        "https://something2", 98765432,
    | summarize count(), total_size = format_bytes(sum(ResponseBodySize)) by Url
    Url count_ total_size
    https://something1 2 64 MB
    https://something3 1 12 MB
    https://something2 2 106 MB