I built this piece of code to add tags to my tag feed.
buildActivity = (model,obj) => {
return {
actor: `user:model.user`,
verb: 'is',
object: `model:${model.id}`,
foreign_id: `model:${model.id}`,
time: model.createdAt.toDate(),
...(obj ? obj : {})
addActivitiesToTagFeed = async (model,tags) => {
const promises = []
for(let i=0;i<tags.length;i++){
const tag = tags[i]
const activity = buildActivity(model,{target: `tag:${tag}`})
const feed = stream.feed('tag', tag)
await Promise.all(promises)
Which I limited to max 3 tags. I can have like
The problem is somehow the activity created by addActivity is the same to all tags. The same target, even the same activity id. It is breaking my 'tag_aggregated' that only follows one of those tags.
Ideas anyone how to fix it?
Good news
Feeds (in my case tag
feed) can't have differents activities with same foreign_id + time. To fixed I changed my code
buildActivity = (model,obj) => {
return {
actor: `user:model.user`,
verb: 'is',
object: `model:${model.id}`,
foreign_id: `model:${model.id}`,
time: model.createdAt.toDate(),
...(obj ? obj : {})
addActivitiesToTagFeed = async (model,tags) => {
const promises = []
for(let i=0;i<tags.length;i++){
const tag = tags[i]
// THIS LINE changing the foreign_id for each activity
const activity = buildActivity(model,{target: `tag:${tag}`,foreign_id: `model:${model.id}:${tag}`})
const feed = stream.feed('tag', tag)
await Promise.all(promises)
It fixed my problem. In GetStream documentation doesn't mention it but makes sense, because foreign_id
+ time
is a secondary key to find unique record.