I'm trying to write a series of modulefiles
that can be used to load software installed under each user's account in a cluster setting. Since the software is installed per person under similar paths up-to a username changing, I'm trying to dynamically set the base path value in the modulefile.
For instance, if I could use an absolute path, then I would set a BASEPATH
like so:
## libevent 2.1.11
set app libevent
set version 2.1.11
module-whatis "loads the necessary `$app-$version' library paths"
set BASEPATH /usr/local/packages/dev/$app/$version
prepend-path LD_LIBRARY_PATH $BASEPATH/lib
prepend-path LD_RUN_PATH $BASEPATH/lib
prepend-path --delim " " LDFLAGS "-L$BASEPATH/lib"
prepend-path --delim " " CPPFLAGS "-I$BASEPATH/include"
prepend-path --delim " " CFLAGS "-I$BASEPATH/include"
However, in my case, I need the BASEPATH
variable to be:
set BASEPATH /home/${USER}/software/$app/$version
where $USER
would expand to the current username.
Unfortunately, when loading the module, I receive:
libevent/2.1.11(15):ERROR:102: Tcl command execution failed:
set BASEPATH /home/${USER}/software/$app/$version
Turns out that bash
variables can be accessed in modulefiles
by using TCL language's env array given by $::env()
So, in my case, I would use:
set BASEPATH /home/$::env(USER)/software/$app/$version
or, equivalently,
set BASEPATH $::env(HOME)/software/$app/$version