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Is regex uuid validator is safe for untrusted strings

I'm using a uuid package which can validate if string is a UUID.
I'm afraid of ReDOS attacks. Is this regex exposed to ReDOS attacks? maybe other attacks I don't think about?


Currently I slice the string before pass it to the function, but it's cumbersome and less readable:

const _ = require('lodash');
flow(s => s.slice(0, 36), console.log)('uuid')


  • The OWASP article you linked has your answer. A pattern is considered "Evil" (vulnerable to a ReDOS attack) if it contains repetition inside a repeated group.

    Evil Regexes

    A Regex is called “evil” if it can stuck on crafted input.

    Evil Regex pattern contains:

    • Grouping with repetition
    • Inside the repeated group:
      • Repetition
      • Alternation with overlapping

    Your pattern does not have grouping inside of repetition so it is not vulnerable. That said, if you know you expect a UUID inside the first 36 characters of the string you are searching, there is an efficiency benefit to trimming the string before you attempt to match. I don't know if the splice is hard enough to read to warrant the extra time searching your string, you'll have to judge that for yourself.