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Visual Studio Setup Project - Use exe Icon for installed Shortcuts

I have a Application that is deployed to client machines with a Visual Studio 2010 Setup Project. My App creates a Desktop Shortcut to the main exe file.

If I open the shortcut's properties and choose "change icon" I see that the icon used for the shortcut is something like:


Hoever, I want it to be

%Program Files%\MyCompany\MyApp\MyApp.exe


%Program Files%\MyCompany\MyApp\MyIcon.ico

Is there a way to achive that?

I already use a pice of Javascript that modifies my setup in a PostBuild Step to add


to the properties table in the Setup file. Maybe the solution is similar, but I don't know what to change.


  • The real issue seems to be a bug in the Setup Project creating only low quality (48x48 px max) icons and has been confirmed by Microsoft but not been fixed until now.


    You can fix this by editing the *.msi file with Orca:

    1. Look at the Shortcut Table, find the Desktop Shortcut, remember the Icon_ value.

    2. Go to the Icon Table, wich contains entrys with a Name and a Data column. Locate the right Icon, Double Click the [Binary Data] entry and browse for your high resolution icon.

    Unfortunatly you have to do this everytime you recreate the setup project, but at least you have a good result. If I have some spare time I will try to automate the process and update this post.