I am creating an issue tracker in Java.I have an issue class as follows:
import java.util.Date;
public class Issue {
int IssueNo;
String IssueTitle;
String text;
Date TimeStamp=new Date();
String Creator;
String Assignee;
String tag;
int priority;
String status;
My program has to display the issues based on either the priority(a number from 1 to 9) or TimeStamp(date on which issue is created).I want to know how to use priority queue and comparator to display the issues
Comparator has one method:
int compareTo(T a, T b)
where returning a negative int means a is bigger, a positive int means b is bigger, and 0 means equal
So for doing multi-factor comparisons (as you are doing), start with priority.
int priorityCompare = ((Issue)b).priority - ((Issue)a).priority;
if priorityCompare is not 0, return priorityCompare. If it is 0, then move onto the next point of comparison (date) and so on until you've found a comparison point that differs, or all points are equal, in which case return 0;