I'd like to implement a user guide using this https://github.com/shipshapecode/vue-shepherd on my nova.
I changed a file webpack.mix.js.dist to webpack.mix.js (inside nova directory).
Then I did :
npm install
npm run watch
and made some changes in /nova/resources/js/views/index.vue and also /nova/resources/js/components.js
import VueShepherd from 'vue-shepherd'
mounted() {
this.$nextTick(() => {
const tour = this.$shepherd({
useModalOverlay: true
attachTo: { element: this.$el, on: 'top' },
text: 'Test'
Then I run
php artisan nova:publish
But now I got this error on my console
why it's happening and how to avoid that error? Thanks
You have tag style in your svg, vue does not allow to use tags and inside , so,