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Google App Script export CSV to a customer Delimiter

I have this script to export my google sheets to CSV file. I would like to export has a CSV with a customer delimited tab "|".

var pasteDataRequest = Sheets.newPasteDataRequest();
  pasteDataRequest.coordinate = {
    sheetId: SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getSheetId(),
    rowIndex: 0,
    columnIndex: 0
  }; = data;
  pasteDataRequest.type = SpreadsheetApp.CopyPasteType.PASTE_VALUES;
  pasteDataRequest.delimiter = '|';

I have the full script here.

If i do export in the current way, its still split by seperated comma ",".

How u I can export my data demilited in csv with "|"?


  • How to ouput a text file similar to a CSV but with a custom delimiter

    Here is a very simple method to ouput your file as a type of CSV-like file but instead of being separated with , is separated with | or any delimiter you want.

    function createCsvContent(values, delimiter) {
      // This converts the values 2D array into a simple array of strings delimited by the delimiter
      const stringArray = => row.join(delimiter))
      // Then it joins all the strings with newlines
      const output = stringArray.join("\n")
      return output
    function createCsv() {
      // Get all the values from the sheet as a 2D array
      const file = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
      const sheet = file.getSheetByName("Sheet1");
      const range = sheet.getDataRange();
      const values = range.getValues();
      // call the function to create the csv-like content
      const csvContent = createCsvContent(values, "|")
      // create the file in drive
      DriveApp.createFile('csvFile', csvContent, MimeType.PLAIN_TEXT)

    Note that the last line creates the file as a plain text file. I was going to make this CSV but since its no longer comma-separated, it can no longer be classified as a CSV file. Though if you change this, it will work all the same.

    The main creation happens in the createCsvContent function. It uses the map method of arrays to transform the 2D array that is obtained from the spreadsheet into a simple array of strings.





    Then finally using another join on the main array to transform it to:


    The \n means "newline", in the end it will be rendered like this:


    Then its a case of calling DriveApp.createFile with the name of the file you want, the content as generated by the createCsvContent function, and the mime type.


    To replace the same file each time, instead of:

    // create the file in drive
    DriveApp.createFile('csvFile', csvContent, MimeType.PLAIN_TEXT)

    You would need to get the file id of the "csv" and use getFileById and setContent:



    EDIT 2

    To get the ID of any file in Drive you first go to drive and right click on the file you want. Click on "Get Link", then here you will find the ID:

    enter image description here
