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Why Codeigniter cache db is not working in get query?

Hi I need to cache only one query in my CI app. I dont understand what to do now. For example I have this in my config/database.php

$db['default']['cache_on'] = FALSE;
$db['default']['cachedir'] = APPPATH . 'cache';

And this is my model:

public function get_languages() {
        $this->db->save_queries = TRUE;
        log_message("error", "getLanguages!!!!!!!!!!!!!");
        $result = $this->db->get();
        $results = $result->result_array();
        log_message("error", $this->db->last_query());
        return $results;

I always see the query is executed in DB. Some help please! What is wrong?


  • below code worked me!

    public function get_languages() {
            $this->db->save_queries = TRUE;
            log_message("error", "getLanguages!!!!!!!!!!!!!");
            $result = $this->db->get();
            $results = $result->result_array();
            var_dump($results);//print for checking
            $count = $result->num_rows();
            log_message("error", $this->db->last_query());
                foreach($results as $list)
                    echo $list['id'];