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How to make sublist field mandatory?

This is my pageInit function

function poTransPageInit(type) {
    //   alert('page init');
    var field= nlapiGetLineItemField('item', 'field');
    field.isMandatory = true;

what I do wrong here?


  • It is true that the isMandatory method is not available in Client Scripts. As a work around you could get the field's value and check the length.

    function validateLine(type){
      if(type == 'sublistInternalID'){ //sublistInternalID = sublist internal id, i.e. 'item'
        //get the sublist field value of mandatory column
        var name = nlapiGetCurrentLineItemValue('line', 'fieldId'); //line = line #, fieldId = internal id of field
        //if value length is greater than 0, then there is a value
        if(name.length > 0){
          return true;
        } else {
          alert('Please enter a value for Name field');
          return false;