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Converting Excelsheet into XML file with XML elements having attributes

I am new to VBA and to use VBA on excel and write a macro to export an xml file per row (see the example in the print screen): Excel Example

The Account should be an XML element and the transactionID should be an XML attribute of Account.

Example of Excel row 1 converted into a XML file: Example XML file

So far I have this following VBA code to convert an Excel row-wise into an xml file:

Sub test2XLStoXML()
 sTemplateXML = _
        "<?xml version='1.0'?>" + vbNewLine + _
        "<Account transactionId='???'>" + vbNewLine + "</Account>"
 Debug.Print sTemplateXML
 Set doc = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument")
 doc.async = False
 doc.validateOnParse = False
 doc.resolveExternals = False

 With ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(1)
  lLastRow = .UsedRange.Rows.Count

  For lRow = 2 To 7
   sFile = "/Users/user/Documents/" & .Cells(lRow, 1).Value & ".xml"
   Dim sAccount As String
   Dim sTransactionId As String
   sAccount = CStr(.Cells(lRow, 2).Value)
   sTransactionId = CStr(.Cells(lRow, 3).Value)
   doc.LoadXML sTemplateXML
   doc.getElementsByTagName("Account")(0).appendChild doc.createTextNode(sAccount)
   doc.getElementsByTagName("Account")(0).appendChild doc.create???(sTransactionId)
   doc.Save sFile

 End With
End Sub

But I don't know how to code that the Attribute "transactionID" will get the dynamic values from the excel.

I am glad for some help.

Thanks in advance.


  • Something like this would work:

    Option Explicit
    Sub test2XLStoXML()
        Dim doc As Object, root As Object, sTemplateXML As String, sFile As String
        Dim sAccount As String
        Dim sTransactionId As String, el, el2, att, lRow As Long
        With ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(1)
            For lRow = 2 To .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
                sFile = "/Users/user/Documents/" & .Cells(lRow, 1).Value & ".xml"
                sAccount = CStr(.Cells(lRow, 2).Value)
                sTransactionId = CStr(.Cells(lRow, 3).Value)
                With EmptyDoc 'moved XML doc creation to separate function
                    .appendchild .createProcessingInstruction("xml", "version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'")
                    'root node with attribute
                    Set el = .createnode(1, "Account", "")
                    Set att = .CreateAttribute("transactionId")
                    att.Value = sTransactionId
                    el.Attributes.setnameditem att
                    'child "val" node
                    Set el2 = .createnode(1, "val", "")
                    el2.appendchild .createtextnode(sTransactionId)
                    el.appendchild el2
                    .appendchild el
                    'Debug.Print .XML
                    .Save sFile
                End With
            Next lRow
        End With
    End Sub
    'create and return an empty XML document
    Function EmptyDoc() As Object
        Dim doc As Object
        Set doc = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument")
        doc.async = False
        doc.validateOnParse = False
        doc.resolveExternals = False
        Set EmptyDoc = doc
    End Function

    EDIT: on a Mac it's probably easier to create and write out the XML as text -

    Sub test2XLStoXMLString()
        Dim xml As String, sAccount As String
        Dim sTransactionId As String, lRow As Long, sFile As String
        With ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(1)
            For lRow = 2 To .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
                sFile = "/Users/user/Documents/" & .Cells(lRow, 1).Value & ".xml"
                sAccount = CStr(.Cells(lRow, 2).Value)
                sTransactionId = CStr(.Cells(lRow, 3).Value)
                xml = "<?xml version=""1.0""?><Account transactionId=""{tId}""><val>{acct}</val></Account>"
                xml = Replace(xml, "{tId}", sTransactionId)
                xml = Replace(xml, "{acct}", sAccount)
                SaveToFile sFile, xml
                'Debug.Print xml
            Next lRow
        End With
    End Sub
    Sub SaveToFile(fPath As String, sContent As String)
        Dim ff
        ff = FreeFile
        Open fPath For Output As #ff
        Print #ff, sContent
        Close #ff
    End Sub