I am new to javascript, and am writing a simple bookmarklet for a webpage that has a text input section. Basically what I need is a way to execute the following-
if ( ! (text_section).onkeydown ) {
do whatever
I need to ignore key-events when the user is typing inside an input field but otherwise trigger key-events for the entire page whenever the user presses a key. I do know that onkeydown is an event listener/handler I'm just trying to explain what I need to do more accurately.
Use an id for your text-section, for example "myTextSection". Apply the addEventListener to the whole document. If the target is anything else, than the textfield, do whatever:
document.addEventListener("keydown", (event) => {
if(event.target !== document.getElementById("myTextSection")){
//do whatever;
Note that this behaviour might be irritating for users, that navigate by keyboard (for example tab and space keys) through your page. So you might want to add another if statement checking whether the event.keyCode is alphanumeric. In this case the keyCode is in the ranges